...who am I?

mom, photograph obsessed, DIY-er
who likes to elaborate on & search for
ways to make all three better and easier
...in style.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Picture Obsessed


I am obsessed with taking pictures. Last night, my husband & I went to Starbucks. We had two free drinks to get, so we decided yesterday was a good day to use them. After we did so, I decided I wanted to go on a walk. We ended up going to a little park by the lake. & I took pictures.

Photobucket     Photobucket

Picture after picture after picture.

I just cannot get enough. I am trying to start my own photography business right now, so I can use all the practice I can get - even if it means just shooting some ducks or boats. ;)


Also, I've spent the better half of my morning editing photos. I've found that you have to love the computer just as much as you love your camera to do this job - but I'm okay with that. It's a little overwhelming sometimes, but I'm learning.



  1. I'm obsessed with pictures too! I recently got a dslr and have been practicing with taking pictures and editing. What kind of camera do you use?

    1. I only have a Nikon Coolpix right now. But I plan on upgrading. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but we'll see.
